Series: Material Culture Perspectives

Series Editors

Martin Brückner, University of Delaware
Sandy Isenstadt, University of Delaware

Editorial Advisory Board

  • Wendy Bellion, University of Delaware
  • Sarah Anne Carter, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Cynthia Falk, SUNY Oneonta
  • David Brody, The New School and Parsons School of Design
  • Steve Lubar, Brown University
  • Julie McGee, University of Delaware
  • Catherine Whalen, Bard College
  • Chloe Wigston Smith, University of York
  • Psyche Williams-Forson, University of Maryland
  • Wendy Woloson, Rutgers University-Camden

Material Culture Perspectives, a new book series from the University of Delaware Press, publishes innovative studies on material culture in literary, visual, and historical studies. The series seeks titles that engage with physical objects – broadly defined and including their formal attributes, ascribed functions, contribution to larger processes and practices, or symbolic significance. The books in this series address a wide range of topics, and encompass local or global contexts. This series invites treatments that offer provocative, reflective, and theoretically informed approaches to material culture studies in the twenty-first century.

For more information or to submit a manuscript or proposal, please contact series editors Martin Brückner at and Sandy Isenstadt at

Books in this Series