Emily E. Thompson
January 2022 • ISBN 9781644532379 • $150.00
January 2022 • ISBN 9781644532362 • $53.95
* E-Book Available
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The Early Modern Exchange
Storytelling in Sixteenth-Century France is an innovative, interdisciplinary examination of parallels between the early modern era and the world in which we live today. Readers are invited to look to the past to see how then, as now, people turned to storytelling to integrate and adapt to rapid social change, to reinforce or restructure community, to sell new ideas, and to refashion the past. This collection explores different modalities of storytelling in sixteenth-century France and emphasizes shared techniques and themes rather than attempting to define narrow kinds of narrative categories. Through studies of storytelling in tapestries, stone, and music as well as distinct genres of historical, professional, and literary writing (addressing both erudite and more common readers), the contributors to this collection evoke a society in transition, wherein traditional techniques and materials were manipulated to express new realities.
Published by the University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
About the Editor
Emily E. Thompson is a Professor of French and International Studies in the Department of Global Languages, Cultures and Societies at Webster University in Webster Groves, Missouri. She contributed an article on Pierre Boaistuau’s edition of Histoires des Amans fortunez to the forthcoming collection Pierre Boaistuau ou le génie des forms and co-translated and co-edited Jeanne d’Albret’s Ample declaration with Kathleen Llewellyn and Colette Winn.