Anna Battigelli
Anna Battigelli, Steven N Zwicker, Amanda Eubanks Winkler, Paul Hammond, Andrew Walkling, David Hopkins, Cedric D Reverand II, Paula R. Backscheider, Ellen T Harris, Peter Sabor, Melissa A Schoenberger
October 2023 • ISBN 9781644533123 • $150.00
October 2023 • ISBN 9781644533116 • $42.95
* E-Book Available
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The ten essays in Literature and the Arts explore the intermedial plenitude of eighteenth-century English culture, honoring the memory of James Anderson Winn, whose work demonstrated how seeing that interplay of the arts and literature was essential to a full understanding of Restoration and eighteenth-century English culture. Scenery, machinery, music, dance, and texts transformed one another, both enriching and complicating generic distinctions. Artists were alive to the power of the arts to reflect and shape reality, and their audience was quick to turn to the arts as performative pleasures and critical lenses through which to understand a changing world. This collection’s eminent authors discuss estate design, musicalized theater, the visual spectacle of musical performance, stage machinery and set designs, the social uses of painting and singing, drama’s reflection of a transformed military infrastructure, and the arts of memory and of laughter.
About the Editor
Anna Battigelli is Professor of English at SUNY Plattsburgh. She is the editor of Art and Artifact in Austen (2020) and the author of Margaret Cavendish and the Exiles of the Mind (1998). Together with Laura Stevens, she edited a special topics issue of Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature on Eighteenth-Century English Women and Catholicism (2012).