Louise E. Dove
July 2006 • ISBN 978-0874139433 • $97.00
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Cultural Studies of Delaware and the Eastern Shore
A Writer’s Voice is a collection of more than one hundred of the popular essays on environmental conservation that Joseph P. Linduska wrote from 1986 to 1993 for the Kent County News of Chestertown, Maryland. He applies his fifty years of experience and reflection as a wildlife scientist to interpret the effects of human activities on the Delmarva region’s rich natural resources in the second half of the twentieth century. Topics range from the exploitation of marsh habitat on the Eastern Shore to techniques for better management of fish and wildlife populations, to the life histories of the endangered Delmarva squirrel and little-known sitka deer. The editor includes biographical material and a comprehensive list of Linduska’s publications. Linduska was an award-winning writer whose work will appeal to biologists, ecology students, sportsmen, and those who enjoy reading natural history.
About the Editor
Now retired, Louise Dove won an Award of Excellence from the Society of Technical Communication for her work on Living Resources of the Delaware Estuary for the Delaware Estuary Program.