Katherine Binhammer and Jeanne Wood
May 2003 • ISBN 978-0874138245 • $91.00
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These essays by internationally renowned feminist scholars rethink the methods and content of contemporary feminist history. The vibrant work of feminist literary historians in the last three decades has produced a new archive of knowledge on women’s writing and new narratives of the cultural past. But, these essays ask, where has this revisioning taken us? Examining the legacy of both traditional literary history and second-wave history of women’s writing, the essays collected in Women and Literary History answer that question by querying received ideas about chronology and nationality as foundations for literary history, by challenging the standard form of reading women’s writing in isolation from men’s, and by contesting the project of recovering “lost” women writers.
About the Editors
Katherine Binhammer is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Alberta.
Jeanne Wood has a Ph.D. in English from York University.